Four States Fair Grounds - Texarkana May 27th-June 1st

Ground Crew – Chase Lewis and Company
Announcer – Kodi Kendrick
Photographer – Holly Alexander 
Videography – 321 Action Video 
Arena Setup – Lucky Dog Set Up (holding pens and entry gates on each side) 
Vendors on both sides and at the 3rd barrel end of the arena.
Concession on the west side
food trailers outside of the arena 
Bounce houses and an inflatable nightclub/glow in the dark Bingo hall at the pavilion where the covered picnic tables are.
Equine therapy services/vet/farriers will be on the west side of the warm-up pen in stalls 
No tie outs or portables, generators are welcome 
Showers are available on the southside of the arena 

Dates & Times

December 31st-Last day to Qualify for the 2025 Finals 
May 1st-All Entries Open May 1st-stalls and Hookup reservations for Sponsors open (anyone with a $1000 sponsorship or more gets first choice on stalls and hookup plus depending on the package Stalls and hookups are included) see Sponsorship post for the link May 5th-all stalls and hookups are available to be reserved. 
Monday May 26th Exhibitions for Tuesday/Wednesday Runners start at 4pm until we finish. Sign up onsite and you must be on the grounds. Your friends can’t sign you up. 
Tuesday May 27th- 11am Start time for round 1 of the Tuesday/Wednesday Runners
Wednesday May 28th-11am start time for Round 2 of the Tuesday/Wednesday Runners. 
Thursday May 29th-Exhibitions for the Friday/Saturday Runners Start at 8am. Sign up onsite and you must be on the grounds. Your friends can’t sign you up. 
Friday May 30th-8am 1st Round for the Friday/Saturday Runners 
Saturday May 31st-8am 2nd Round for the Friday/Saturday Runners 
Sunday June 1st- 10am Church Noon-Finals

Have you qualified to enter the Arkansas Elite Barrel Racing Finals?

We can’t wait to see you there. Here is what you need to know.

  • Entry Fee $140
    • $125 Entry fee per horse/ 80% Payback=$100 to pot
      Guaranteed  $30,000 Added/100% payback=$30,000 to payouts
    • $15 to the split timing sidepot this covers split timing fees plus $2 (100%) per run to be paid out each round as a 4D Sidepot
  • 2 long rounds per entry(every horse entered will run on Tuesday and Wednesday or Friday and Saturday) You must choose one
  • 1 Short Go 10% of the total Runners split equally between each D per day goes to the Short Round. Example 500 Runners per Round is 50(top 10 in each D) runners to the short go.
  • Junior Side pot (16 & under) with $50 Entry fee and $3000 added over the weekend. $1000 on Friday 5D, $1000 on Saturday 5D and $1000 on Sunday with Straight payout on Sunday.
  • Senior Side pot (50 & over) with $50 Entry fee and $3000 added over the weekend. $1000 on Friday 5D, $1000 on Saturday 5D and $1000 on Sunday with Straight payout on Sunday.

Optional Fees

  • Stalls $36/night
  • Electrical Hookups $25/Each
  • Shavings $8/ Bag

Rules of the Finals Race

*Any person who qualifies for the finals will have the option of running as many horses as they want as long as they pay the entry fee on each horse. Qualifying for the finals included attending 10 of the A.E.B.R. sanctioned races and paying $5 fee at each of them.  

*Show Format is a 5D Open Barrel Race with ½ second splits between each division.

*The running order for the short go will be based on qualifying time, and will be run slowest to fastest. The Short Go will be a clean slate 5D format with ½ second splits.

*Dress Code will be enforced and includes a cowboy hat or helmet, long sleeve shirt, jeans and boots.  Dress code and hat can be waived if wearing an Arkansas Elite Event T-Shirt or Sweatshirt. 

*If you lose your hat in the arena during your run, there will be a $10 hat fine.

*Contestants shall identify themselves and check in with the arena director behind the alleyway during the drag before their run. Failure to do so will result in a Scratch. A Rider will be called 3 times and will be scratched UNLESS the alley way director has been notified that Rider is on their way or he/she can see that the Rider is making their way to the arena to run.  Failure to enter the arena within this time limit will result in a Scratch. If a contestant competes out of turn, he/she will receive a No-time. 

*Each horse can only run once during each long go round and only once during the short round if qualified. No two riders can ride the same horse at Finals. A horse can only be run one time in the Short-Go regardless if that horse qualified both Friday and Saturday. If a horse has qualified on Friday and then again on Saturday, we will drop down to the next contestant and allow them to the short-go.

*Contestants running more than one horse must run the horses in the position in which named horses are drawn or they will receive a No-time. 

*Every effort should be made to provide safe and even ground for all contestants. The ground should be worked at regular intervals.

*Two sets of timers will be used and the display will be the official timer.  In the event that the official timer fails, the back up timer will be used.

*Exhibitions will be ran on Monday and Thursday  from 8 am until 8 pm.  You can purchase them onsite starting at 7 am.  We will run exhibitions in 30 minute time slots.  Exhibitions must stay under 1 minute (60 seconds) and you will be fined $25 if you go over the 1 minute (60 seconds) time limit.

*Returned checks are subject to a $25 charge which must be paid before the individual will be allowed to participate in future A.E.B.R. events. This will also result in the individual being put on “cash only” terms.

Reruns – Reruns will be granted if the official timer and back-up timer fails, unless a barrel has been knocked over resulting in a NO TIME. A re-run will also be granted if the barrels are not placed on the correct markers or if there are any other situations that board deems may have had a negative impact on run.  Option of a fresh drag must be offered to the contestant.  No reruns will be given if a horse falls, is pulled up by the rider or in the event of a rider’s equipment malfunction. 

Disqualifications/No Times – A No Time will be given for any of the following reasons: 1. If a contestant breaks the barrel pattern or stops forward motion. 2. If a contestant runs out of turn. This includes running the wrong horse in the wrong spot if running multiple horses. 3. If a contestant knocks a barrel down. Touching to keep a barrel up is allowed. 4. If the contestant’s horse falls during a run and breaks the pattern, or if the rider falls off the horse after the horse is in forward motion. 5. If the contestant is not able to get his/her horse into the arena within a (3) three minute time limit. This rule will be enforced at the discretion of the arena director and announcer. 6. If the contestant circles his/her horse in the arena after the timers are broken. *If a contestant knocks a barrel down, it will result in a No-time. 

Draw Outs – once you enter, no refunds will be granted.  You are able to vet out and run a different horse but you must let the office know at least (1) one hour before your run.  

Horse Substitution – Horse substitutions will only be allowed in the following instances: injury with letter from vet (Vet release must be from certified vet only; chiropractors, etc are not acceptable), death of horse, sale of horse (with proof of sale). You can substitute a horse but it must be submitted to the office, in writing, at least (1) one hour prior to your run. No rider substitutions will be allowed. 

Pre-Entry Draw We will do our best to accommodate all NECESSARY requests. There will be no changing or switching draw positions after the draw is done. 

Late Draw – Late entries will only be accepted if you have already entered a horse. If you want to add another horse onsite, you may do so but it will be CASH ONLY and can only be added until the 200th run.  Late entries close when the 200th horse runs each day. There will be a $10 late fee per horse, per day entered when you enter another horse onsite. 

Fees & Payout – Fees for the weekend are $100 per horse and a $25 Office fee per rider.  This will guarantee you runs on both Friday and Saturday. You must qualify for the short-go on Sunday.  80% of the Entry fee will be distributed like this: $30 into Friday’s pot with $10,000 added. $30 into Saturday’s pot with $10,000 Added and $20 into the Short-go on Sunday with $10,000 added.  

Negative Coggins Negative coggins are required and will be shown upon check-in.  30 day health papers may also be required depending on state regulations at the time.  

Stalls & Tying Out Horses – We have a limited amount of stalls available on the grounds.  Contestants are welcome to tie-out to the trailer in day parking. Stalls & RV Sites/Hook-Ups RV/Living Quarter parking will be available on a first come, first-serve basis through our entry system. 

Dogs – All dogs must be on a leash.  A Leash is Required for All Dogs that are in the grandstands, arena area and warm-up arena area.  

Photos & Videos – All participants (all those on grounds) may be photographed and videoed for promotional purposes. We will have a race photographer who can print your picture on grounds 

Sportsmanship All persons on the grounds are expected to display good sportsmanship at all times. No inhumane behavior towards any animal at an AEBR Finals event will be tolerated. You will be asked to leave the event immediately. Foul language, misconduct or abusive comments spoken to any contestant, spectator, staff, members or arena personnel will result in immediate disqualification and you will be asked to leave the show. No refunds will be given. 

*Any questions or disputes that may arise during the course of the A.E.B.R. Finals not covered by the above rules will be decided and settled by the Board of Directors of A.E.B.R. This decision will be final.